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Sand Blasted Glass


3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm


1830×1220, 1830×2440, 1830×2600, 3300x2140mm

Sandblasted glass is produced by spraying sand at high velocities over the surface of the glass. This gives the glass a translucent surface, which is usually rougher than that obtained by etching. During sandblasting, areas that are to remain transparent are masked for protection.

Saves on Energy. Although sandblasted glass is still reflective enough to brighten a room, since the surface level is frosted, the reflective nature of it is diffused. That means when light shines on the glass, there aren’t any intense rays penetrating through and heating up the area or room.
Privacy. The purpose of sand blasted glass is to provide privacy as it’s not as transparent as other types of glass. It’s often used for bathroom windows and shower doors, but is also ideal for various commercial applications. In business environments, they can add privacy to offices and meeting rooms, while still letting in natural light. On top of the privacy factor, many people simply like the look of sand blasted glass.

Sand Blasted Glass

Sand Blasted Glass
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